
Аттракцион лего


Constructor area of 6 sq. m.

Аттракцион лего


Constructor area of 70 sq. m..

Аттракцион лего


Constructor area of 25 sq. m.

Аттракцион лего


Constructor area with table of 60 sq. m.

Аттракцион лего


Constructor area with table of 35 sq. m.

We are pleased to present you a catalog of attractions «Constructor» of our production. Each product is made from high quality materials, undergoes numerous quality checks and is controlled at all stages.

You can find out the price, order or add to your project attractions «Constructor» for children from the manufacturer It’s Simple. To do this, just contact us or leave a request for a call, and, our specialist will advise you.

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Аттракцион лего

Constructor amusement rides are a great option for entertaining and informative play zones, where children can not only have a good time, but also develop their imagination and design skills. Organizing such a zone in a children’s park is just a great idea!
Here with pleasure will spend time boys and girls of all ages. And to be frank, many parents would be happy to keep their children company in this activity.
Children will be grateful if you order «Constructor» attractions in the playground!

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