With obstacles and trampoline arena consisting of two rectangular canvases with additional entrance. The design color is orange, black. The size of 13,58 * 5,98 * 3,5 м.
With obstacles, filled with soft cubes, trampoline arena, consisting of two rectangular canvases with an additional entrance, and a climbing wall with a foam pit. The design colors are red, yellow, black and green. Size 16,59*11,86*3,5 m.
Complicated shape with different obstacles. Design color blue, red, black. Size 12,17*9,52*3,5 m.
Rectangular shape with different obstacles, filled with foam cubes. Design color blue, yellow, black.
Size 8,74*4,7*3,38 m.
Rectangular shape with different obstacles, filled with foam cubes. Design color purple, pink.
Size 11*6.66*3 m.
Rectangular shape with different obstacles, filled with foam cubes. Design color red, yellow, black.
Size 9,5*7,37*3,5 m.
We present to your attention a catalog of attractions «Ninja Park» of our production. Each product is made from high quality materials, undergoes numerous quality checks and is controlled at all stages.
You can find out the price, order or add to your project attractions «Ninja Park» for children from the manufacturer It’s Simple. To do this, just contact us or leave a request for a call and, our specialist will advise you.
Ninja parks are a family attraction for active recreation for children and adults without age restrictions.
It is an attraction in the form of obstacle course of different levels of complexity. All elements of construction and obstacles are made with features of year-round operation with high wear resistance.
Children will be grateful if you order «Ninja Park» rides in the children’s complex!
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